Please cooperate with rejecting the illegal Paphs.

NO. 59  Paphiopedilum cornutum
Z.J.Liu, Olaf Gruss and L.J.Chen 141225.
NO. 60  Paphiopedilum x nitens
Z.J.Liu, Olaf Gruss and L.J.Chen 141225

 A new species and a new natural hybrid are found from Yunnan, China and described with photographs and illustraton by Z.J.Liu, Olaf Gruss and L.J.Chen.The new species is Paphiopedilum cornuatum that is related to Paphiopedilum gratrixianum although there are many differences between them but it seems to be very closed to Paphiopedilum villosum.

Paphiopedilum cornuatum
Illustration of Paphiopedilum cornuatum

Paphiopedilum x nitens is considered to be a hybrid between Paph. villosum and Paph. isnsigne.

Paph. x nitens
Paph. Nitens
Paph. Nitens is registered as a artificial hybrid between Paph. villosum and Paph. insigne.  This new species is a natural hybrid found in China. The parentation is considered as same as Paph Nitens
Paphiopedilum x nitens

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